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Sephardic Heritage

Founded by Sarina Roffé in 2004…

The Sephardic Heritage Project was founded by Sarina Roffé in 2004 to identify and preserve the marriage and brit milah records of the Syrian Jewish community. For the past eight years, Sarina has been working with researchers in New York and Israel to have thousands of Hebrew brit milah and marriage records translated to English so that they could be accessible as an information source for English speaking families researching their family tree.

The following databases are the result of the Sephardic Heritage Project

Aleppo Britot, More than 7500 records dating from 1868-1945

Aleppo Marriage Database – 1354 records – For the  most part, the data covers 1847-1850, 1868-1877, and 1893-1934. However, we included a few records found in 1811and 1855 that were  derived from Ketubot manuscripts.

Aleppo Eulogies Database – Deaths in Aleppo, Syria, covering sporadic entries from periods as early as 1716 -1946

The Sephardic Heritage Project also was instrumental in providing the cemetery records of the Aleppan Jewish community in Mexico City to as part of the Jewish Online Burial Registry. These records include Panteón Jardín Nuevo and Panteón Jardín Viejo, operated by HEBRA KADISHA, COMUNIDAD MAGUÉN DAVID. These records can be accessed by going to



Sephardic Heritage Project

is now a member of the

International Association of Jewish Genealogical Associations